With less than 1% of the oceans falling within marine protected areas, and with only a tiny fraction of that effectively protected, entire marine ecosystems, including the High Seas, remain largely unprotected and fully open to exploitation from fisheries and other sectors. The marine environment is a priority area for IUCN and WCPA. It represents Earth’s last frontier and, as a result, the most significant gap in global protected area action. Significant progress is now needed in order to conserve marine biological diversity and productivity, and recover ecosystem structure, function and processes in order to support economic and social values of nations and regions, and deliver sustainable development. This Plan of Action is a key part of that process.
Laffoley, D. d’A., (ed.) 2006. The WCPA - Marine Plan of Action. Working together to secure a global, representative system of lasting networks of Marine Protected Areas (consultation version) . IUCN WCPA, Gland, Switzerland. 26 pp.
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