Framework and Field Application at Selected Coastal Fishing Villages in the Philippines and Indonesia
Among the recent attempts to use the Rapid Rural Appraisal (RRA) techniques traditionally employed in agriculture and other terrestrial resource systems is in the evaluation of the coastal and marine fisheries’ environments. One of these approaches is called Rapid Appraisal of Fisheries Management Systems (RAFMS) which was developed at the International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management (ICLARM). The RAFMS is a diagnostic tool designed to quickly document and evaluate the operating fisheries management systems both formal and informal at the community level. As a critical first step in diagnosing the existing types of community-level fisheries management systems, the RAFMS shall provide general information on their essential features, operations and impacts. Given limited funds, time, and research personnel, it is not always possible to conduct indepth studies of community-based fisheries resource management systems at a specific site or across a country. While the RAFMS is no substitute for more detailed studies, it can provide cost-effective information and a research and/or policy direction for further study. This paper first describes the framework of the RAFMS. Then, it provides examples of output from RAFMS generated through field applications in the fishing villages of Ulugan Bay and Binunsalian Bay in Palawan Island, Philippines and Nolloth Village in Saparua Island, Indonesia. The RAFMS was found useful in generating information for use of the outside experts, the local researchers and the residents of the fishing communities. The outputs from the field application in the Philippines and Indonesia are now being used for various planning, project development and research purposes.
Reference: Pido, M.D., R.S. Pomeroy, L.R. Garces and M.B. Carlos. 1997. Coastal Management Vol. 25, No. 2, pp 183-204.
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